
Adventure events for families

The atmosphere at family’ events is always full of energy, enthusiasm and new experiences. We enjoy every event just like our clients 🙂


Family Day

A day that children and their parents will enjoy. Sailors, Indians, Wild Animals, Science Discoveries or perhaps Spectres – this is just a selection of our favourite topics.


St. Nicholas in the company

Visit St. Nicholas and his assistants in the company will please children and their parents. Children decorate gingerbread, make Christmas decorations and enjoy Nicholas and the angel, even the devil.  


Children's Day

We’ll organise a Children’s Day on the occasion of Children’s Day, the end of the school year, the beginning or end of the holiday or other occasions. We’ll organise attractions and competitions.



Other events

We’ll can organise any event for you, not just for children. We have years of experience and lots of ideas. We’ll organise a sales fair for your company, markets, family teambuilding or other events.

Děti v akci

Family events in companies

Chcete poděkovat svým zaměstnancům? Uspořádejte pro ně firemní akci pro celou rodinu nebo rodinný teambuilding. Vaši spolupracovníci ocení možnost potkat se s ostatními v neformálním prostředí a poznat je z jiné stránky než jsou zvyklí z kanceláře.

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